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[frameconnews] Tape; Responsibility

Ormond said...

>...There seems to be another point of view that
> no-one has mentioned regarding the non-use of Japanese paper and starch
> paste. That being:  Whether the customer is prepared to pay the extra cost
> of using this method.

If a fully-informed customer chooses to specify a less costly -- but not
recommended -- mounting procedure, then is potential damage the fault of the
framer, or the fault of the customer?

At what point does the framer's/conservator's responsibility become
secondary to the customer's wants?

I believe that a customer who would prefer P-90 tape over Japanese
paper/starch paste hinging -- placing his art in jeopardy to save a bit of
money -- is not fully informed, and is making a mistake.  In most cases, I
would defer to his wishes. But sometimes, if I believe the art would suffer
severe loss of value, I would decline the project.  It is a matter of
liability, and also integrity.

> ...If anyone can explain to me how this method can be used without any
> cost, over using P90 tape, I would be forever grateful.

Exactly how much extra should one charge to use the Japanese paper/starch
paste mount, over the price of P-90 tape?  Would the difference be 1% more
on the total framing price?  10% more?

>... Nothing would make me more pleased than to be able to use this method,
> the majority my customers are not prepared to pay any extra.

The "I want it cheap" mindset is not uncommon among customers.  But do these
customers know the consequences?  I guess not, and I consider it my
responsibility to inform them.   If the choice is, "Do you want the $1.00
mount or the $2.00 mount?", most would choose the cheaper.  But if the
choice is, "Do you want to jeopardize your art with the $1.00 mount, or
assure its value with the $2.00 mount?, the answer may be quite different.

James Miller, CPF, GAFP Committee Member
Suburban central Ohio, USA


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