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Re: [ARSCLIST] Other memorable record stores

And, for other Torontonians, there are two that rate mention:

First, Don's Discs, out on Queen Street West. Don had a unique
policy for 78 sales...when he got a batch, he'd call certain
collectors if the items they were looking for were among the
records, sell them for fair but fairly high prices (he knew
who would pay what) and then sell the rest at so much apiece.
with the price dropping as they were picked over. Finally, he'd
either sell the remainder to me for a low price, or give them
to me if I'd haul them off. He still deals in records, but no
longer has a shop.

Second, there was John Black's fancier store. His prices were
always the maximum he could get away with, but he did turn up
some very rare stuff...that is where I got my York record. He
eventually went broke, and knowing the settlers-up wouldn't know
anything about 78's, went out the back door with the very best
items and left the rest to be sold off. He's now out on the
west coast...

Steven C. Barr

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