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Re: [ARSCLIST] CF or microdrive?

I'd like to know too. The Sound Devices recorders can have daily or scene folders, but they all fall inside a top level folder named SOUNDDEV which would possibly overwrite a previous one... The only need i can see for these reader/drives would be a long time in the firled doing nature recordings or such, but in that case it might be a good thing - if it works!

On Sep 27, 2005, at 8:55 PM, andy Kolovos wrote:

Has anyone used the Wolverine to upload audio off a flash card? If so,
did it work? The only thing I was really worried about was file naming.
For example, the PMD670 has a default numerical file naming system
(something like 0001.WAV, etc.). I imagine one would have to keep track
of what numbers had been used and renumber new files via the recorder
before uploading them so as not to overwrite files already on the photo
vault. This make sense?

There are also some stand alone portable CD burners that write data discs
from CF cards--a photographer buddy of mine has one of these--but I'm not
sure if he's tried it with audio yet. I imagine that as long as the file
was under 650/700 megs, this could work too. Anyone given this a whirl?


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