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Re: [ARSCLIST] Pricing structures

Please don't take this offlist! It would be a valuable discussion. I am a professional audio engineer with aminor sideline in restoration, based on keeping my old archives alive - so how to price it for the occasional client would be very valuable here.

For the record, I charge my usual hourly rate, and estimate it high enough to allow for a few troublesome projects and a majority of them routine. Like if I had 60 hours of material, I'd estimate it around 75 hours, roughly. But if I had to make five passes to get one of them, it would cost the client... And also do job prices, when needed to fit something like the grant situation.

I am curious how the real restoration people estimate and charge for services.

On Sep 26, 2005, at 5:47 AM, Lani Spahr wrote:

Now, my question: I've been asked by a small museum here in NH to
digitize a collection of 78s, open reels and LPs. Since I've never done
anything of this size the problem I'm having is "What to charge"? They
are working with grant money and want me to submit my estimate of how
much I think I can do with the money they have available. I can
estimate my time but how do you translate that into a price? How do you
all charge? By the hour, by the job? How?

It might be best to take this offline and I welcome any and all

Lani Spahr (Mr - just to be clear)

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