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[ARSCLIST] Pricing structures

Hello everyone -

I guess it's time to introduce myself. I've been lurking here for quite
a while and have greatly enjoyed watching the exchange of valuable

First, a little about me - I'm a professional oboist, primarily period
instruments these days, and play with Boston Baroque, The Handel &
Haydn Society Orch of Boston and Tafelmusik, plus lots of freelancing
and traveling around the country with other orchestras. I also have
recorded for Telarc, Music Masters, Vox, L'Oiseau Lyre and am featured
on a recent Naxos disc. 

In the last 4 years I've also branched out to audio restoration and
have done work for Sony/France, Boston Records and the National Flute

Now, my question: I've been asked by a small museum here in NH to
digitize a collection of 78s, open reels and LPs. Since I've never done
anything of this size the problem I'm having is "What to charge"? They
are working with grant money and want me to submit my estimate of how
much I think I can do with the money they have available. I can
estimate my time but how do you translate that into a price? How do you
all charge? By the hour, by the job? How?

It might be best to take this offline and I welcome any and all

Lani Spahr (Mr - just to be clear)

Yahoo! Mail - PC Magazine Editors' Choice 2005 

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