PADG - Subject Thread Index for Oct 1997

Last updated: Thu Feb 05 22:09:44 GMT 2009
26 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

[Index] [Table of Contents]

  • Serials microfilming, Paul Conway
  • [FYI] Universal Preservation Format User Survey (fwd), David Lowe
  • ALCTS/PARS Schedule for ALA Midwinter 1998, Steven D. Smith
  • Gaylord Collections Conservation Award, Nancy Schrock
  • subscribe, diana marriott
  • Exhibits + One Other Matter, Robert J. Milevski
  • conditions article, Kristen Kern
  • Online forms available for Midwinter registration, membership, Karen Muller
  • The Processing of Paperbacks, John Dean
  • Deferred Binding, Sherry Byrne
  • Membership list -Forwarded -Forwarded, Karen Muller
  • Digitization, Meredith Curtis
  • accompanying materials, Jeanne Drewes
  • AFLIB-L: First announcement and call for papres -Forwarded, Karen Muller

  • [Index] [Table of Contents]

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