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Membership list -Forwarded -Forwarded

Obviously posted to many lists, and probably still others you are on,
so apologies for the duplications!

Date: Fri, 03 Oct 1997 14:56:12 -0500
From: Lois Ann Gregory-Wood <lgregory@xxxxxxx>
To: bbartlett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,bmay@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
	bvanderstar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, ddurgin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
	ebutts@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, fgraf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
	hmaclam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, irockwood@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
	jbarone@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, jdouville@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
	jslauta@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, kmclintock@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
	ktrelski@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, lgross@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
	nsbona@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, pmarino@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
	rbalay@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, scoleman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
	sconforti@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, sfoster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
	sgarcia@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, vcarrington@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx,
	ajenkins@xxxxxxx, bott@xxxxxxx, cbourdon@xxxxxxx,
	cerickso@xxxxxxx, dchatham@xxxxxxx, depstein@xxxxxxx,
	dragsdal@xxxxxxx, droberts@xxxxxxx, dross@xxxxxxx,
	emartin@xxxxxxx, emelton@xxxxxxx, eporter@xxxxxxx,
	gcallowa@xxxxxxx, ghodges@xxxxxxx, gsouthar@xxxxxxx,
	hwhite@xxxxxxx, jkrug@xxxxxxx, jmclarin@xxxxxxx,
	jmundell@xxxxxxx, jwalker@xxxxxxx, kmuller@xxxxxxx,
	krepholz@xxxxxxx, lhersam@xxxxxxx, lkniffel@xxxxxxx,
	lwaddle@xxxxxxx, lwallace@xxxxxxx, mabrams@xxxxxxx,
	mghikas@xxxxxxx, mhaney@xxxxxxx, mlynch@xxxxxxx,
	mtaylor@xxxxxxx, pbarber@xxxxxxx, rcarlson@xxxxxxx,
	rswedows@xxxxxxx, sorange@xxxxxxx, sroman@xxxxxxx,
	swhitwel@xxxxxxx, aah@xxxxxxxxxxx, ame@xxxxxxxxxxx,
	asj@xxxxxxxxxxx, blm@xxxxxxxxxxx, cch@xxxxxxxxxxx,
	cew@xxxxxxxxxxx, cwt@xxxxxxxxxxx, dah@xxxxxxxxxxx,
	dp@xxxxxxxxxxx, jam@xxxxxxxxxxx, kb@xxxxxxxxxxx,
	leb@xxxxxxxxxxx, mrc@xxxxxxxxxxx, os@xxxxxxxxxxx,
	pam@xxxxxxxxxxx, plm@xxxxxxxxxxx, rms@xxxxxxxxxxx,
	rww@xxxxxxxxxxx, sfb@xxxxxxxxxxx, tj@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Membership list -Forwarded

Please post the following message to your listserv.  Thank you.

Motion:  *Encouragement of Membership Participation in ALA
Governance*   Moved by Mary Jane Anderson.  Seconded by Patricia M.

*Effective immediately, a discussion list is available to all ALA members.* 
The purpose of the list is largely defined by the original motion: 
*Resolved, that an ALA member subscription listserv be developed and
mounted by ALA for the purposes of 1) making information about ALA
issues and projects more immediately available to members, 2) providing
members an opportunity to ask questions and receive answers from
officers, staff and councilors; and 3) facilitating member discussion of
concerns and interests, and 4) providing a way for members to speak
directly to those representing them on council about issues they would
like to see ALA Council and/or their officers address.*  Additionally, the
list will provide an avenue for ALA committee chairs and others wishing
to consult with members.

List name: 		Member-forum@xxxxxxx

The member-forum list will be unmoderated and self-subscribing. 
Undeliverable addresses will be automatically deleted.

To subscribe:

Send an email message to listproc@xxxxxxx with the following command
as the first line of text in the body of the message:

subscribe member-forum <your name>

Drop down two lines and enter your membership number. 

Please enter your full name.  Do not use angle brackets in entering your
name or membership number.  We will not verify membership numbers
initially, but will work toward an automatic verification at time of

Councillors will not be automatically subscribed but are encouraged to
subscribe, in accordance with the intent of the original motion.

Only subscribers can view list archives.

To receive messages in digest form:

If  you prefer to receive messages from Member-forum in digested form
(that is, one message to you per day, which will contain all messages
posted to the list in the previous 24 hours), send the following command
to listproc@xxxxxxx:

	set member-forum mail digest

If, at a later time, you wish to resume receiving Member-forum mail in
*real time,* send the following command to listproc@xxxxxxx:

	set member-forum mail

(Some councillors have asked about receiving alacoun mail in digest
form.  While we have replied to those councillors, for those who would
like to know and haven't had time to ask, this will work on the Council list,
also:  set alacoun mail
digest )

Other administrative stuff:

The list owners are Mary Ghikas, Gerald Hodges and Lois Ann
Gregory-Wood.  Only list owners can review the list of subscribers, in
order to keep subscriber addresses out of the hands of *spammers.*

Information about the list and directions for subscribing will be available
on the ALA website, will be posted to various existing lists, and will be
placed in American Libraries. 

If you have technical questions or problems subscribing, contact Rob
Carlson, ALA Internet Services Coordinator, at 1-800-545-2433 x 2431
or rcarlson@xxxxxxxx 

Date: Fri, 03 Oct 1997 15:07:08 -0500
From: Mary Ghikas <mghikas@xxxxxxx>
To: lgregory@xxxxxxx
Subject: Membership list

Implementation Report: 

Motion:  *Encouragement of Membership Participation in ALA
Governance*   Moved by Mary Jane Anderson.  Seconded by Patricia
M. Wong.

*Effective immediately, a discussion list is available to all ALA
members.*  The purpose of the list is largely defined by the original
motion:  *Resolved, that an ALA member subscription listserv be
developed and mounted by ALA for the purposes of 1) making
information about ALA issues and projects more immediately available
to members, 2) providing members an opportunity to ask questions and
receive answers from officers, staff and councilors; and 3)
facilitating member discussion of concerns and interests, and 4)
providing a way for members to speak directly to those representing
them on council about issues they would like to see ALA Council
and/or their officers address.*  Additionally, the list will provide
an avenue for ALA committee chairs and others wishing to consult with

List name:		Member-forum@xxxxxxx

The member-forum list will be unmoderated and self-subscribing. 
Undeliverable addresses will be automatically deleted.

To subscribe:

Send an email message to listproc@xxxxxxx with the following command
as the first line of text in the body of the message:

subscribe member-forum <your name>

Drop down two lines and enter your membership number. 

Please enter your full name.  Do not use angle brackets in entering
your name or membership number.  We will not verify membership
numbers initially, but will work toward an automatic verification at
time of subscription.

Councillors will not be automatically subscribed but are encouraged
to subscribe, in accordance with the intent of the original motion.

Only subscribers can view list archives.

To receive messages in digest form:

If  you prefer to receive messages from Member-forum in digested form
(that is, one message to you per day, which will contain all messages
posted to the list in the previous 24 hours), send the following
command to listproc@xxxxxxx:

	set member-forum mail digest

If, at a later time, you wish to resume receiving Member-forum mail
in *real time,* send the following command to listproc@xxxxxxx:

	set member-forum mail

(Some councillors have asked about receiving alacoun mail in digest
form.  While we have replied to those councillors, for those who
would like to know and haven't had time to ask, this will work on the
Council list, also:  set alacoun mail
digest )

Other administrative stuff:

The list owners are Mary Ghikas, Gerald Hodges and Lois Ann
Gregory-Wood.  Only list owners can review the list of subscribers,
in order to keep subscriber addresses out of the hands of *spammers.*

Information about the list and directions for subscribing will be
available on the ALA website, will be posted to various existing
lists, and will be placed in American Libraries. 

If you have technical questions or problems subscribing, contact Rob
Carlson, ALA Internet Services Coordinator, at 1-800-545-2433 x 2431
or rcarlson@xxxxxxxx 





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