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Re: [ARSCLIST] Lossy compression losing quality (was Re: [ARSCLIST] Pristine Audio and the Milllennials . . .)


    I have some 7500 MP3 files in over 220 folers, occupying 40 GB of spcae.  Why would I want to increase the last to 400 GB, which wouldn't fit on my 300GB drive anyway, and when the highs were mostly already lost when the sound came through the recording horn?

Whew!  What a mouthful!

Anyway, the technology, specs, and other details of audio trasnfers, recording, formsats, etc., etc., are far beyond my poor power either to understand or eve to WANT to.  I would like to know, however, how one transfers the sound from, say, a 78rpm disc to a CD as a CDA track.


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