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Re: [ARSCLIST] Lossy compression losing quality (was Re: [ARSCLIST] Pristine Audio and the Milllennials . . .)

Howard Friedman wrote:

In my case, the cure may be worse than the disease, since the technology is just about over my head! And what other aphorisms of yours can you share with us? And in another vein, almost every time one copies a file, one loses something.

1. Try downloading Monkeys Audio and play with it. If it causes problems, forget about it. One reason I like it is that I can preserve any CD-DA with the extra ECC layer, add text and graphics, and still fit the result onto a standard CD-R. If I want to be super-certain, I can put it onto a shorter CD-R, say a 74-minute though the CD-DA fills an 80-minute disc.

2. Other aphorisms are saved the appropriate moment. <G>

3. Copying a digital file either loses nothing or fails; the exceptions to that are exceedingly rare. That is, if the copy is not perfect then the transfer will fail, usually due to the dreaded CRC error. There is a tiny chance of dual failure which would permit copying a file with an error, but that is negligible in practice.


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