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Re: [ARSCLIST] Early stereo mass market tapes

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Karl Miller" <lyaa071@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> As for the discs...I have a several dozen discs at home in a section of my
> collection which I call, "It's Stereo." It includes everything from games
> of Ping Pong to choruses moving from the left to the right speaker, also a
> series of discs on RCA, the LSA series plus electronic works like
> Stockhausen's Kontakte which made heavy use of panning.
> Most of these are especially fun listening with headphones.
Well, in those early days, the idea was to show off the fact that one
actually owned a STEREO sound system! Common novelty items also included
trains and/or racing cars moving from one speaker to the other (which
could have been disquieting if one's speakers were hooked up "backwards!").

The ones I recall were the first stereo Beatles LP's...on which,
when one played only one channel one only heard half the group!

Steven C. Barr

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