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I'll buy it then. I see from the UofTexas website that it's not just about XERF, though it was THE biggest and baddest. Where can I find any of the airchecks (online or CD)??

Karl Miller wrote:
On Thu, 14 Sep 2006, phillip holmes wrote:

They ran at 500KW, IIRC. I think there's a book called "Border Radio"
about this station. This is where Wolfman Jack could be heard. I heard
that the fence around the station would glow at night.

Written by Gene Fowler and Bill Crawford and published by the University of Texas press. I worked with them a bit when we were thinking of producing a CD or two of some of the surviving airchecks. There is also a film of the same name.

Some of the airchecks are wonderful...my favorite being exorcisms
done live on radio.

And, on a somewhat related note, author of the phrase "Keep Austin Weird,"
a librarian I might add, and a terrific guy, and the author of a soon to
be published book with the same title...did a wonderful radio series which
was a parody of the religious programs aired on those radio programs.

If you have not heard the expression "Keep Austin Weird" and are curious,
you can visit their website. I am a proud owner of one of their original

Karl (Austin Texas)

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