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Re: [ARSCLIST] Preservation media WAS: Cataloguing still :-)

*I* do - 24 bit as much as possible - but some people I work for don't. A conference recording company president's eyebrows hit the ceiling when I said that his compact Marantz MP3s had to be decoded and re-encoded to edit tops and tails! He had no idea... This is the same guy with whom I had arguments on the merits of Dolby B back in the 80s - but he only works with mono speech, and when one is dependent on hotel patch feeds I have to ask, what quality?

I was blown away when I saw them using stereo MP3 recorders to do two different rooms at once - of course it works, except for the one room where his stereo backup made crosstalk on my 16 bit masters! Glad I don't do that often.

Lou Judson • Intuitive Audio

On Sep 3, 2006, at 10:00 AM, seva wrote:

i believe none edit native mp3 format. it has to go back to linear PCM (be de-coded), edited, then *re-encoded*.

you'd be better to work at 16/44 linear PCM at all times...

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