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Re: [ARSCLIST] ruminations on the ARSClist-was: message board vs. listserv

On Tue, 13 Dec 2005, Brandon Burke wrote:

> Seems we're providing a bountiful wealth of knowledge to the
> public...provided they're wiling to cross a swamp to get it.  (Again, this
> goes back to the question about whom our target audiences are for these
> posts.)

While I am not suggesting a particular approach to list management...

I recall Rick Taylor pointed this out when he suggested that much of the
wealth of information could be complied into a "problem solving"
guide of some sort or other. I could see how putting something like that
together could be difficult and that it might not be a task appropriate to
ARSC, but I believe it is a good idea and that the list archives could
provide enough information for a practical sort of FAQs which could be
arranged by subject with responses being credited to individual posters. And
speaking of copyrights, does anyone have any knowledge of how the copyrights
might apply to postings to an email list?

Checking the archives by using a variety of keywords usually retrieves
something I am looking for. Over time the same subjects are addressed but
with different subject headings in the posts. Interestingly, I have found
that when a problem is revisited, there can be a poster who is either new
to the list or someone who is, over time, in a position to offer a
different solution.

Indeed, this list is an amazing source of information. I should also add,
that before this list, I had no idea that there were so many out there
who have such an indepth technical knowledge of the materials and the
techniques involved in audio preservation and reformatting.


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