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Re: [ARSCLIST] ruminations on the ARSClist-was: message board vs. listserv

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Karl Miller" <lyaa071@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> I recall Rick Taylor pointed this out when he suggested that much of the
> wealth of information could be complied into a "problem solving"
> guide of some sort or other. I could see how putting something like that
> together could be difficult and that it might not be a task appropriate to
> ARSC, but I believe it is a good idea and that the list archives could
> provide enough information for a practical sort of FAQs which could be
> arranged by subject with responses being credited to individual posters.
> speaking of copyrights, does anyone have any knowledge of how the
> might apply to postings to an email list?

1) Editing these (or any e-mail or group archive) messages into an
FAQ would be possible...but it would be a challenging task, and have
to be done by someone with at least some knowledge of the topics
covered (if only to know what is important and what not!)

2) As far as copyright, I think that each poster might hold a
copyright to his/her/its own postings, having created and
"published" them...however, placing these writing in a publicly-
accessible Internet location may put them in the public domain!


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