BPG Business Meeting Minutes – Annual Conference – June 3, 2011 – Philadelphia, PA

The meeting was called to order by BPG Chair, Penley Knipe at 7:36 a.m.

1. Approval of Draft 2010 BPG Business Meeting Minutes (Jennifer Hain Teper, Secretary/Treasurer)

Draft minutes of the 2010 Business Meeting were approved as written. Motion to accept by Beth Doyle, seconded by Anna Friedman. Vote passed by a majority hand vote.

2. Stout Award contribution (Penley Knipe, BPG Chair)

A short introduction to the Stout Award and our decision to vote on the BPG's contribution to the award each year was given by Jennifer Hain Teper. Karen Pavelka spoke to the award's merit and moved to increase funding to $2,000, stating that New Mexico is going to be very expensive for students. Vote passed by a majority hand vote to increase the 2012 contribution to $2,000 [one-time for 2012 only].

3. Closeout of Budget 2010 and Proposed Budget for 2012 (Jennifer Hain Teper, Secretary/Treasurer)

2010 Closeout: Reported that although we went into deficit by over $4,600 at the close of 2010, we had anticipated going over budget by $14,000 so we actually did pretty well overall. Major deficits included a drop in membership (membership was predicted in 2008 when levels were quite a bit higher, resulting in a lower than predicted revenue from membership dues), as well as a slight scaling back on income for the reception by changing from the budgeted ticket revenue to the PTLP gift as a primary funding source. Several predicted deficits turned out to be less expensive than budgeted for, including: coffee breaks at the Annual Meeting; Printing and Shipping of the BPG Annual since the 2007 issue did not come out in 2010 as planned; lower than budgeted member travel; lack of miscellaneous expenses; and no room rentals in 2010. It was also noted that there was a miscalculation (typo) on the provided budget for posting and shipping where the given "difference budgeted to actual" for Postage and Shipping was given as $8,689.50, but should have been listed as $621.68.

Year-end close has the BPG total reserves at $41,167 ($26,167 of those unrestricted, $15,000 of those reserved for publication support). It is recommended that BPG carry 50% of their annual budget in reserve. At the close of 2010 we carried 114% of our annual budget in total reserves and 72% of our annual budget in unrestricted reserves. [Update: ending September 2011, total BPG reserves are at $39,662.]

2012 Proposed Budget: The proposed 2012 budget was reviewed. Specific elements addressed included: the fact membership levels for 2012 were based off the 2010 levels, though those are likely low and income from dues are likely to be slightly higher than those predicted; $1,000 has been put aside for room rentals for the 2012 BPG reception, though it is uncertain whether those funds will be needed or not as many times institutions waive the rental fee; and that the presented allocation for the Stout Donation is listed as $1,000 but based on the earlier vote, should be changed to $2,000.

Projected year-end close for 2012 has the BPG total reserves at $27,510 ($16,510 of those unrestricted, $11,000 of those reserved for publication support). It is recommended that BPG carry 50% of their annual budget in reserve. At the close of 2012 we project carrying over 71% of our annual budget in total reserves and 43% of our annual budget in unrestricted reserves. However, it was noted that like 2010, the 2011 budget is likely to not deficit our reserves as much as predicted, so this projection is likely quite a bit lower and reserves going into 2012 will likely be higher than anticipated here.

Motion to accept the budget as proposed (with increased Stout donation) was given by Susan Lunas, seconded by Karen Zukor. Vote passed by a majority hand vote.

4. BPG Reception (Jamye Jamison, Asst. Program Chair)

The 2011 Reception was a big success and many thanks went out to Bob Strauss and PTLP for their continued financial support of the reception.

5. Update on 2012 Program (Jamye Jamison, Asst. Program Chair)

New Mexico's meeting theme will be "Connecting to Conservation: Outreach and Advocacy" and the program is going to be a bit different than in previous years – the General Session, in particular, will be in a different format with more concurrent general sessions on specific topics. BPG is also considering a session on the topic of the annual meeting, but also other more regular topics. Abstracts and suggestions for presentations by others are encouraged.

6. 2011 Program (Jo-Anne Martinez Kilgore, Program Chair)

Overall, there were 43 abstract submissions for 17 speaker slots. Acceptance of an abstract was very competitive. Jo-Anne asked prospective speakers to please keep submitting ideas – this was a tough year. New Mexico may not be as competitive. It was noted that the AIC has changed the way that abstracts are selected and compiled – it is now a much more simple policy. BPG Officers and committee chairs score the abstracts – and always like to see things that are topical and incorporate treatment, if possible, due to interest from the membership in such presentations. Thanks again to all the speakers and those who submitted abstracts.

7. Report on Education and Program Committee (Lynn Kidder)

Lynn reported that she has worked with Yasmeen Khan (outgoing chair of the committee) to ask the membership for specific for workshop topics to target in upcoming years. Of highest interest were: pressure sensitive tape removal workshop; paper conservation for book conservators; media conservation on paper; photographic process identification and conservation for paper conservators; and digitization information sessions. The AIC will be hopefully be providing these workshops based on our requests. The committee is also looking for people who could teach – there is assistance available from the AIC for developing/leading workshops and webinars. Lynn also reported that the committee needs volunteers to be on the Education and Program Committee. Yasmeen will be stepping down and the committee will need a new chair as well. [Laura O'Brien-Miller is the new education chair.] Penley added that an application form is almost done to allocate monies from the restricted reserves towards getting publications up to publishable status. This application is at final stages of review at the Board level.

8. Report on Publications Committee (Karen Zukor, Chair)

The Publications Committee continues to do its work – pushing research and technical studies in print and on the web. There has been lots of discussion about the AIC WIKI, which is already in place but each specialty group must decide how they are going to use it. It is a very interactive platform. We must decide who has access to create content, and whether or not there is there a gatekeeper. The Publications Committee will keep the membership informed as this develops. Encourage anybody who is interested in participating in the WIKI project to contact Karen Zukor.

Karen thanked Evan Knight and Laura Bedford for their work to get the BPG Annual online. This year Shannon Zachary was give the Rutherford John Gettens Merit Award (which recognizes people who made significant contributions to the field of conservation)for her extraordinary work on the BPG Annual. Unfortunately, Shannon is unable to be here at the Annual Meeting. Additionally, the Publications Committee purchased a copy of Paper and Water as a thank you. Lastly, the committee is always looking for people willing to help out – publications are the engine that drives us. Contact Karen if you’re interested in participating.

Question: what about the BPG Annuals on-line? Answer: Volume 19 just went on line, Volumes 22 and 23 are just about ready to go up. The 2007 BPG Annual should be in your mailbox in the next two weeks.

9. Report on BPG Annual (Jim Hinz)

Submissions for the 2011 BPG Annual are due by July 1. This will cover some posters as well. We are hoping to have Annual out even earlier this year. This is due to the expectation that there will be less editing on the part of the compiler, and will be expecting more editing from the authors, themselves. Older online versions of the Annual are going up as well – Amy Baker and Walter Henry are currently doing this work.

Jim will be stepping down after four years of compiling the BPG Annual. Renee Wolcott will be stepping up as compiler. She has extensive experience with editing and two English degrees – i.e. lots of relevant experience. She will be working with Jim as her mentor for a year or two. If there are any questions, please contact Jim.

10. Report on BPG WIKI, Book Conservation Catalogue (Christine McCarthy)

Christine has taken over the development of the Book Conservation Catalog WIKI Project along with Lynn Kidder, Evan Knight and Laura Bedford (and also with help from Olivia Primanis). Thus far the group has reconstituted the original table of contents, which is up on WIKI and available for viewing. The WIKI is still developing and the BPG can still shape it. It is still under discussion about how much editing will be done by the Publications Committee. The group is now looking for content and volunteers to create content – maybe somebody from the membership submitted a paper that fits in to the overall content and they could add that? The group may also be contacting people, directly, on particular topics. They have tips and ideas available for developing content, if people are interested.

11. Results of Elections (Laura O’Brien-Miller, Nominating Committee Member)

12. Nominating Committee for 2012 (Penley Knipe, BPG Chair)

Thanked all on the nominating committee – elected two new members to work with Sue Murphy next year to nominate candidates for positions of BPG Chair and Assistant Program Chair. Elected were: Nora Lockshin and Jane Klinger.

13. Old business

No old business

14. New business

a. Stephanie Watkins reiterated Christine McCarthy's point that BPG members consider changing from thinking of PCC and BCC chapters as traditional publications and shift to a more "WIKI-like" approach of sharing information, letting contributions develop more organically. Members can consider contributing small bits of knowledge, not necessarily a full chapter that can be an overwhelming task.

b. Seth Irwin asked of ideas for potential for tours etc. in New Mexico for next year? This has not been settled yet – but the Board is working on that. We are trying to avoid busses if possible and instead focus on locations within walking distance to keep costs down. Additionally, there could possibly be a trip up to Santa Fe. If you have any ideas, please let us know.

c. Penley stated that the BPG is doing lead article in the AIC News for May 2012 – please submit any ideas to Penley. You do not necessarily need to be the author if you have a good idea.

d. Bill Minter pointed out that there are currently a lot of open calls for volunteers on committees. While it has always a problem to get people to run for office or run for a committee, he encouraged people to run and participate.

e. Nancy Ash brought up idea of new discussion group focusing on art on paper – we already have two on Archives and Library Collections Conservation

15. Motion to adjourn

Motion by Tom Edmondson, seconded by Jim Hinz. Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 a.m.

Submitted by Jennifer Hain Teper, Secretary/Treasurer 2007–2011 with updates from Stephanie Watkins, Secretary/Treasurer 2011–2013.