Paper Conservation Catalog

The Paper Conservation Catalog was developed by, and for, professional conservators and was published from 1984–1994 by the AIC Book and Paper Group, with assistance from the National Endowment for the Humanities. A PDF facsimile and a wiki version of the Paper Conservation Catalog are now available. While persons in related fields will benefit from being acquainted with its content, the PCC is not intended to provide step-by-step recipes for the untrained. When using chapters from the facsimile, readers are strongly encouraged to consult the growing body of relevant literature published since the PCC ended.

The PCC began as a volunteer, collaborative effort, in the absence of much published literature, to exchange information among paper conservators, particularly the specific techniques and insights gained through practical experience. Readers will notice that, over the years, most chapters grew in length and incorporated more bibliographic references, as the availability of other literature increased. Readers are encouraged to read the front matter for further details on the project and its participants. The AIC Book and Paper Group Publications Committee is currently working with a special task force to determine the future of the project.