Publications Committee


The goal of the Book and Paper Group (BPG) Publications Committee is to record and disseminate the professional body of knowledge pertaining to book and paper conservation generated by or for the membership. The primary audience of BPG publications is the BPG professional membership. It is expected that BPG publications will also serve allied professionals by exposing the depth of professional conservation practice and theory. The design and content of these publications assumes an audience that is primarily practicing conservators of this specialty group.


The BPG Publications Committee oversees planning, production, availability and potential revision of all BPG publications. The BPG Publications Committee consists of representatives of the BPG Annual, PCC and BCC, as well as the BPG Chair. The BPG Publications Committee Chair (or Co-chairs) serves at the pleasure of the BPG Executive Council. The BPG Publication Committee Chair appoints other committee members. Distribution of the Annual and other BPG publications is considered by the BPG Publications Committee and approved by the BPG Executive Council.

Currently, the main publication of the BPG is the Annual which is produced yearly in printed and electronic form. It is intended to be primarily a record of papers presented at the BPG annual meeting. The Annual may include other submissions. Approval of the dedication of a volume of the Annual is a duty of the committee.

Other publication projects include the Paper Conservation Catalog (PCC) and the Book Conservation Catalog (BCC). These are intended to be comprehensive records of treatment-related topics, arranged systematically with descriptive details. Twenty-three chapters of the PCC were published from 1983 to 1994. The BCC is currently under development.The BPG Publications Committee will review new proposals submitted to the committee. The BPG Publications Committee will consider writing letters of support for applications to outside granting agencies. Depending on available resources, the Committee may consider certain proposals for limited finding. If a request exceeds $1000, the BPG membership must vote to approve funding at its annual business meeting.