TexCons - Subject Thread Index for Apr 2002

Last updated: Mon Feb 16 20:56:42 GMT 2004
15 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

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  • Sorry my email change was not valid, Jennifer Hein
  • NATCC, David Howell
  • Digital Printing conferences, Mary W. Ballard
  • Re: NHB RCP Internship [Fellowship] Programmes, Mary W. Ballard
  • NEW TexCons list is functing, David Bridge
  • Last message from the OLD list at simsc.si.edu, David Bridge
  • conservation research position, Paul Wyeth
  • Fwd: Textile list, Wendy Dodd
  • A question about storage, cducey
  • hangers still available, Jerry Shiner
  • Publication on museum mannequins, Margot Brunn
  • Tape removal, Paige Myers
  • offer, najmmy
  • Adhesive Treatment research, ikarsten

  • [Index] [Table of Contents] [Search]

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