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A question about storage

This question was sent to me, but I'd like to ask the expert members of
this list what they recommend.
I don't have the expertise to give advise on this subject.
Carolyn Ducey
International Quilt Study Center

- Forwarded by Carolyn K Ducey/tcd/IANR/UNEBR on 04/02/2002 03:52 PM -----
                    ollins.com               To:     cducey@xxxxxxx                       
                    04/01/2002 04:34         Subject:     A question about storage        

Ms. Ducey

A group of wood workers here in Cedar Rapids (Iowa) and throughout the
country are working on a series of boxes to store and display flags.  They
are being given to the families of the people who were killed in the
attacks in September.  Another group has donated the flags.  We are
wondering how the boxes should be finished.

Because the flags are likely to become family heirlooms they could be
stored inside for several generations.  The flags are 100% cotton.  The
boxes are going to be made of walnut with a glass front and a tight fitting
plywood back.

We would like to use a catalyzed lacquer because it's easy to apply but we
don't want to use anything that could damage the flags.  We would really
appreciate any ideas that you may have.  Feel free to call me if you have
questions (319)295-6182 (work) or (319) 848-4391 (home).


Joel Gillett

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