PADG - Subject Thread Index for Nov 2003

Last updated: Fri Feb 06 00:57:15 GMT 2009
16 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

[Index] [Table of Contents]

  • [no subject], Unknown
  • [PADG:2173] CODATA / ERPANET Workshop Lisbon, Italian.Editor@xxxxxxxxxxx
  • [PADG:2172] cclark/MHT/Nypl is out of the office., cclark
  • [PADG:2170] Permanence of web information, S. Tyra Grant
  • [PADG:2167] By-Laws vote, Patricia P. Selinger
  • [PADG:2166] Esther J. Piercy Award nominations sought, Wes Boomgaarden
  • [PADG:2165] Opportunity to show your slides at ALA Midwinter PARS discussion group, Ann Olszewski
  • [PADG:2164] Fwd: Preservation of electronic information, Charles Wilt
  • [PADG:2163] Discussion of book preservation at home, FILIATREAU, AMY (SBC-MSI)
  • [PADG:2162] RE: Microfilm Reel Tags, Karen Brown
  • [PADG:2161] Re: Microfilm Reel Tags, Walter Cybulski
  • [PADG:2160] RE: Microfilm Reel Tags, Hamperian, Roger
  • [PADG:2159] FW: Two preservation resources available on FLICC web, Schnare, Robert, Prof.
  • [PADG:2158] Microfilm Reel Tags, Carol Lenocker
  • [PADG:2157] Fwd: SCIENCE article,:"Going, going, gone: Lost Internet References", S. Tyra Grant

  • [Index] [Table of Contents]

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