PADG - Subject Thread Index for Sep 2000

Last updated: Thu Feb 05 23:04:12 GMT 2009
17 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

[Index] [Table of Contents]

  • [PADG:1070] LC National Digital Library Program announces 2nd release of the Bell Papers, Tamara Swora-Gober
  • [PADG:1069] LC National Digital Library Program announces West Virginia Folklife Collection, Tamara Swora-Gober
  • [PADG:1067] (no subject), jgatewood
  • [PADG:1063] RE: ILL Labels, Jeanne Drewes
  • [PADG:1062] ILL Labels, Paula De Stefano
  • [PADG:1061] Reposting: Positions at the Library of Congress, Collections Care Tech., Werner C Haun
  • [PADG:1059] Re: Position at NEH (Vacation), Johanna Wellheiser
  • [PADG:1058] Position at NEH, Barbara Berger Eden
  • [PADG:1057] RFPs for conservation, Fox, Lisa
  • [PADG:1056] LC National Digital Library Program announces release of WPA Posters collection, Tamara Swora-Gober
  • [PADG:1055] Conservation Librarian, Paula De Stefano
  • [PADG:1054] ALA Preservation Policy, Joy Paulson
  • [PADG:1053] collections conservation, Yvonne A. Carignan
  • [PADG:1052] ALCTS announces the Paul Banks and Carolyn Harris Preservation Award, Barbara Berger Eden

  • [Index] [Table of Contents]

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