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Re: [ARSCLIST] Meta comment with new subject line.

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following -

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The Library of Congress hosts the list. They provide the server, disk space,
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The Fine Print

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On Sat, Oct 25, 2008 at 11:36 AM, Lou Judson <inaudio@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I agree with Tom here.
> But one answer is "Beverage Digest" no?
> And I lose patience easily with all the small personal sniping going on.
> SOME elists have careful moderation to keep things on topic - except they
> they are all in fun! This list is very poorly moderated - even discussion of
> the music and record collections is literally off topic... Who IS the
> moderator anyway?
> I'm here to learn about archiving and transferral; not old record per se or
> the merits of playback devices excapt as applies to archival transfers. Such
> as, what kinds of cartridges and stylii are best for which kinds of discs?
> How do we catalog metadata? Those are directly on topic, and hardly ever
> discussed in my two years of monitoring this list...
> But that is just me. Much of the off-topic junk is highly entertaining!
> Carry on, ladies and gentlemen!
> <L>
> Lou Judson • Intuitive Audio
> 415-883-2689
> On Oct 24, 2008, at 11:57 AM, Tom Fine wrote:
> Wow, Steve, that's really rude. You apparently have little impulse control
>> yourself. It is you who shouldn't shoot from the hip, and please cease the
>> personal attacks. I won't respond to a personal attack on a public list. If
>> you had any class or dignity, you wouldn't launch them on a public list.
>> -- Tom Fine

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