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Re: [ARSCLIST] lp, cassette, 8-track cut-outs?

Wasn't that a thinly-disguised form of payola? The record company could claim that they were just distributing promotional product, but in fact it was a way to put cash into the pockets of deejays who played the label's records.

John Ross

At 8/15/2008 12:09 PM, Bob Olhsson wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From John Ross: "...cut-outs were provided to retailers
at a much lower wholesale price, without return privileges. The hole
or notch or cut-off corner identified an LP as a cut-out, for which
the wholesaler would not issue full (or any) credit upon return..."

What was also very common, if not more so, were promotional copies that were
sent to reviewers and broadcasters (sometimes by the case!) who would then
sell them to local record stores.

Bob Olhsson Audio Mastery, Nashville TN Mastering, Audio for Picture, Mix Evaluation and Quality Control Over 40 years making people sound better than they ever imagined! 615.385.8051 http://www.hyperback.com http://www.thewombforums.com

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