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Re: [ARSCLIST] Oddball formats (was Distance between staggered heads)

At 01:29 PM 2007-12-31, Scott Phillips wrote:

        What was the oddest track format or spacing for an audio tape
you have run into so far ? Just curious... I know that instrumentation
tapes are a different animal, but I wondered about audio tape formats. I
am familiar with many of them myself, but you have more exposure to the
old and odd than I do.

Hello, Scott,

Some of the oddball formats that I have successfully transferred include:

0.150-inch tape

--Revere cartridges that are stereo and use the two edge tracks, leaving a centre track for a never implemented (AFAIK) centre channel for 3-channel stereo.

--Stuzzi Memo-Cord which is a 2-track format, but rim drive, but fortunately good rim drive

--4-track 15/16 logging tape that had dramatic speed problems due to recorder malfunction--much worse than rim drive.

0.250-inch tape

--3-channel from Ampex 400s from the early 1950s from Jack Mullin's collection made by Bill Cara. The piece I did was the Coast Starlight coming into the Glendale, CA, train station. It sounds as if the same PA system was there when my office was across the street from about 1983-1995 or so.

--Narrow, centered mono channel on paper tape

--8-track cartridges (OY) but they sound better than expected when done on my FrankenSony pair of APR-5003Vs. (two passes, four tracks per pass, elevator head--could also be done by flipping tape over, but then if it's Dolby...).

0.500-inch tape

--7-track IRIG with FM seismic survey data on the APR-16, demodulated by the Racal Store 4DS. You go crazy calculating bandwidth issues to make sure you get everything off the tape that the client is expecting. This particular tape was a dub of a 1/4-inch audio tape that was part of an experiment to use lower-cost recorders for seismic surveys. The original was a 4-track Magnecord. The original is long gone.

Formats that I'm working on or have available:

--0.250-inch 5-track. Apparently Dictaphone or some other logging recorder manufacturer made a 5-track unit with four program tracks and a centre timecode track. Joe Dundovic told me about this head in his stock, so I just had to have it. He had two and the other went to a Scandinavian country after the engineer contacted me to address his transfer of some old tapes in this format in their archive. I haven't been asked to do any of this work.

--0.250-inch MaxTrax heads from Pacific Recorders TOMCAT cart machines. I have a couple of these heads and one is mounted in the record position on the same head assembly as the evenly spaced 3-track head I used for the Mullin/Cara tape mentioned above. No one has asked me to transfer this format.

--0.500-inch 16 track. I'm trying now to convince the APR-16 to play that format, with help a year or so ago from John French. I need to finish the wiring as I had my arm twisted to do some tapes that they didn't want to send to the U.S.A.

There are more out there, but these are the ones that pop into my mind.

There are also some very peripheral magnetic formats that I don't have any intention of working on:

--IBM Executary belts (Art Shifrin and Steve Smolian do these, IIRC)

--The arcuate-recorded voice logging system that used wide tape and a head that swung back and forth as the tape moved slowly. Conceptually like quad videotape, but instead of a headwheel, it has a pivoting head.



Richard L. Hess email: richard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Aurora, Ontario, Canada (905) 713 6733 1-877-TAPE-FIX
Detailed contact information: http://www.richardhess.com/tape/contact.htm
Quality tape transfers -- even from hard-to-play tapes.

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