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Re: [ARSCLIST] [was ARSCLIST] When you die...

"Schooley, John" <John.Schooley@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:    ***The material seems to be more valued overseas than at home, so perhaps it is fitting that the archives be established overseas as well where they are not subject to our draconian copyright laws. Given the number of foreign re-issue labels that have traditionally dealt with American recordings that have languished in the hands of the domestic rights holders, I can't see how this can be far behind. 
  No doubt many of us remember the days of those "historic broadcasts recently discovered in Italy." As I recall there was a time when the Italian copyrights on recordings were limited to 30 years! 

  Does anyone know when Dr. Billington is scheduled to address Congress? As I recall he was to report to Congress as part of the charge of the Recordings Act. There has been some writing that suggests he will address copyrights as part of that presentation.

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