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Re: [ARSCLIST] [was ARSCLIST] When you die...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Karl Miller" <karl.miller@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
 Re: [ARSCLIST] [was ARSCLIST] When you die...
> "Steven C. Barr(x)" <stevenc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:    ***What I'm trying to
avoid (this may be obvious) is to sell one of
> my CD-R-based discs to a hapless senior-citizen lady in West
> Oskosh Heights...and then have the RIAA, accompanied by law-
> enforcement officers of various sorts, drag both the hapless
> purchaser and myself into a Wisconsin-located courtroom to
> face a list of copright-violation offenses as long as a 1969
> Buick Electra 225...?!
>   An interesting case in point...The International Music Score Library
Project...from their web site:
>   " On Saturday October 13, 2007, I received a second Cease and Desist letter
from Universal Edition. At first I thought this letter would be similar in
content to the first Cease and Desist letter I received in August. However,
after lengthy discussions with very knowledgeable lawyers and supporters, I
became painfully aware of the fact that I, a normal college student, has neither
the energy nor the money necessary to deal with this issue in any other way than
to agree with the cease and desist, and take down the entire site. I cannot
apologize enough to all IMSLP contributors, who have done so much for IMSLP in
the last two years."
> Basically, what happened, as far as I know, was that the site offered scanned
versions of public domain music. Well, some of it was not PD in the US, hence
the cease and desist letter.
> ***It is also interesting to note that in things literary, a book
> will remain under copyright for the length of the applicable
> copyright term applying in the country where it was originally
> written...but apparently a sound recording's copyright status
> depends on the term applicable in the country where same was
> manufactured (otherwise the rest of the world would have to
> wait until 1/1/2067 (subject to further extension...?!) to
> hear the "greatest hits of the Peerless Quartette"...?!
>   I am not sure I understand what you have written.
Well, here I was talking about the fact that if you author and
self-publish a book (i.e. my first versions of my DG...), it is
under copyright for a fixed term of years in the land in which
it was initially coprighted...throughout the world (or at least,
the portions thereof which recognize "foreign" copyrights...?!).

However, the applications of "foreign" terms of copyright would
appear to mean that I can reissue, without "special permission
of the copyright owner(s)" (see under applicably-titled Victor
phonorecord...?!), ANY recording fixed in ANY land prior to
January 1, 1957...even though (for example, as a recording fixed
in the US of A) it may NOT be p.d. in its "homeland"...?! Yet,
I can still reissue the recording up here in "Soviet Canuckistan"
or im virtually all lands OTHER than the US of A...?!

Steven C. Barr

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