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[ARSCLIST] !Re: [ARSCLIST] Concertapes -- what became of it?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Doug Henkle" <henkle@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
So, yes Steven, there was such a label.

Okeh...and thanxes muchly!

However, as a semi-pro discographer, I'll give you advance warning of possible disappointments when
trying to research recordings of the post-WWII era. Sadly, although in most cases the artists, as well as
the "principals" of the labels, are still alive...most ledgers and other related documents have long since
been dispatched to landfills or other similar fates...! The best resources are: (1) backfiles of related
and/or local publications...looking for both "feature" stories and advertisements (especially those
announcing "new releases!")...(2) mentions in "hi-fi" or audio-related journals...or (3) City directories,
when/if such exist, which will mention the occupants of a given address, as well as providing an
alphabetic list of "occupants" (people, companies, usw.) of the city in question...!

Good, luck, eh?!

Steven C. Barr

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