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Re: [ARSCLIST] off-topic: guilty pleasure in hi-fi demo records

Well,here in the "XXI Jarehundert",most 78 collectors are those who collect 1945-65 rock/R&B,and/or pre-Lp classical music.Sometimes both,like me,but usually one or the other.In both areas you have rare stuff,be it a Beethoven "Eroica",by Oswald Kabaasta,rare/obscure pre-1910 opera from G&T/Odeon. "Lonesome Baby" by The Hornets.or an Indian 78 of "I Want To Hold Your Hand",that is of importance,rarity,and high demand.

Blues and country/hillbilly 78s,before 1940 have their devotees too,but they are usually a subset of the rock collectors.But there are simply not enough of these records to support a market,given how few were sold nationally,or survived being ground up for paint on jeeps,bombs,and planes during "The Big One".

The people who buy these records are usually 45/Lp collectors,and buy the stuff from eBay,or before that shows,or "Goldmine".There were always auction lists for rare pre-war jazz 78s,exchanging hands for outlandish sums at the time.At least as far back as the post-war 40s.

it was usually only the pop stuff that went for next to nothing.What's more,it's only been relatively recently,that people have realized the older,as in 1890-1930, stuff needs to examined,saved and reappreciated as history,but you and I both know "When The Moon Shines on The Moonshine",will never have the appeal of a Blind Lemon Jefferson,or a Jelly Roll Morton.There will always be more people who want these records,than there are copies out there.

Most collectors collect because they love the music.Many dealers sell for the same reason.

"Steven C. Barr(x)" <stevenc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: see end... 
Well, I was mainly talking about VINYL collectors...and their subset who
collect 78rpm copies of fifties "rock'n'roll" hits. Virtually all 78
collectors think only of the musical content of their records (although
that doesn't always apply to modern-day sellers and dealers...as one
can see on eWotsit...!)...!

Steven C. Barr

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