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[ARSCLIST] 7th Annual Future of Music Policy Summit registration now open

Some of you may know I'm working with the Future of Music Coalition to help
plan their 2007 Policy Summit in Washington DC this fall. The Future of
Music Coalition is a national nonprofit that works on the issues at the
intersection of music, law, technology and policy. Before FMC, the founders
Jenny Toomey and Kristin Thomson co-ran the indie label Simple Machines and
played in the band Tsunami.

Registration is now open for the 2007 Policy Summit to be held at George
Washington University in Washington DC September 17th and 18th.
Scholarships are available for musicians to attend the Summit and press
credentialing is available for journalists.
Please feel free to forward this to any musicians, music fans, or
journalists you know. If you have any questions or suggestions for speakers
please e-mail me here or at courtney@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Future of Music Policy Summit: Registration and Scholarship Applications are
Since 2001, FMC has organized six annual Policy Summits to address the
critical issues at the intersection of music, law, technology and policy.
After a stellar event
last October in Montreal, we're bringing it back to Washington, DC for
7th Annual Policy Summit, which will take place at George Washington
University's Betts Theatre from September 17-18.

*The Program
The Summit is always programmed to react quickly to issues emerging from
Congress, the courts, the Copyright Office, and from the international
stage. Over the course of two days, we will focus on the critical issues
that are affecting musicians and music communities as production, promotion
and sales increasingly move to a global, digital platform such as:

  - Performance royalties
  - Copyright and licensing reform
  - How changes to broadband and telecom policy would affect artists
  - The state of retail
  - The explosion of niche market genres
  - Technologies that are bringing artists and fans closer together
  - The effect of new wireless and streaming technologies that will make
  music more portable

We'll also do some special sessions on:

  - What the FCC's "rules of engagement" on payola really mean for
  - Health insurance for musicians
  - The sample clearance licensing process
  - A review of major label contracts in the digital age
  - The technical and legal challenges with cultural preservation

Check out the developing program details here
*Registration is Open, but Space is Limited* We're using a smaller theater
this year that only seats 325. Considering all our past Summits have had
more than 550 attendees, this means you'll need to act now to guarantee your

*Early Bird Rates*: these expire August 15, 2007
Regular Registration: $149 USD
Student Registration: $89 USD

*Click here for secure online registration *
See all the registration options and student rates here <http://www.futureofmusic.org/events/summit07/registration.cfm>

*Scholarships for Working Musicians
Every year, FMC offers scholarships to make sure that musicians are not left
out of the music/technology debate. Thanks to some generous contributions
from foundations, technology companies, sponsors, and musician advocacy
groups, 80 musicians are able to attend this Policy Summit for free.
Musicians: go here to apply.
<http://www.futureofmusic.org/events/summit07/scholarships.cfm> *

More on the website
Programming overview <http://www.futureofmusic.org/events/summit07/matrix.cfm>
Suggested hotels
Sponsorship opportunities
Press credentialing
<http://www.futureofmusic.org/events/summit07/credentialing.cfm>  *

Praise for the Policy Summits *"...a kind of Geneva where all sides in any
number of contentious music industry fights can get together and play nice
for a few days. Even more importantly, it offers pinstriped Washingtonians a
rare opportunity to hear musicians articulate their concerns in person
instead of relying on competing lobbying groups that claim to espouse their
interests." *Washington Post,* 2004 "...the coalition's organizers are due a
great deal of credit for representing a constituency that is often invoked
by others but not represented."
*Washington Post*, 2004 "As independent artists develop and discover
shortcuts to get their music out in spite of an inequitable and often
corrupt industry, conferences like the FMC's go a long way toward providing
them a map." *Village Voice*, 2005 "You know the time between when a record
leaves the artist's hands and before it gets to listener's ears? The Summit
covers everything that happens in between."
* Pitchfork*, 2005
Please plan to join us us this year for another spectacular event!

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