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[ARSCLIST] Preserving Vinyl Records - Laser Turntable

Greetings all,


My name is Matt Shumate and I am affiliated with the ELP Corporation(Japan),
makers of the world's only Laser Turntable.  I recently came across the ARSC
and thought its members might be interested in exploring the technology
behind the Laser Turntable.  Since a stylus never physically touches the
record, there's never a chance for wear and tear to the vinyl.  For long
term preservation, there is not better way to reproduce the analog sound of
a vinyl record.  Another great feature is the ability to adjust the lasers
by microns to pick up audio information from the groove that has never
before been touched by a needle.  Combine it with the ELP Declicker and you
can remove pop and click noises in real-time without the assistance of a


I encourage you to read more at www.laserturntable.com
<http://www.laserturntable.com/> .  Indiana University recently purchased an
LT for their music library and has been extremely impressed with the
results.  If there's any additional information I can be of assistance with,
please let me know and I'll be happy to help out.




matt shumate
account manager

max borges agency
3550 biscayne blvd, suite 501
miami, fl 33137
phone: 305 576 1171 x15
fax: 305 402 6373
www.maxborgesagency.com <http://www.maxborgesagency.com/> 


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