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Re: [ARSCLIST] Is The Record Shop Dead?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "phillip holmes" <insuranceman@xxxxxxxxxx>
> I didn't say I don't have several ZZ Top albums myself and the George 
> Jones Box Set.  Just talking about truck stops.  You ain't lived till 
> you had a truck stop chicken fried steak at 3 AM and bought a greatest 
> hits collection at the counter.
I have the ZZ Top discs (or did...LONG story...!); however, I can speak
with some authority on "truck stops!" I went to high school in McLean,
Ill's., site of the (evidently) no-longer-extant Dixie Truckers' Home
from the twenties onward! "The Dixie" was our regular hangout as teens
(and onward...). The original "Dixie" burnt down...IIRC in the sixties...
and was replaced by a larger, newer "Dixie" withing a couple of months.
In fact, my first wife was a waitress as the joint...and I regularly
picked her up at the end of her shift and gave her a ride to her house
(out on a farm...) so I spent many, many hours in that truck stop!

I also used to stop at truck stops when travelling...the food was always
more than ample, affordable and usually quite edible!

And, yes, most of them sold cassettes (and 8-tracks back in that era...),
the legality of whose origins were probably dubious at best. Wonder how/why
RIAA missed that...?!

Steven C. Barr

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