Okeh...let me explain further. I currently have RealAudio v10, which can
record anything I can feed into my sound card...but as its own *.ra files
(the older version recorded them as slighly different *.ram files).
Audacity, which I also own, seems to comprehend *.ra format...which it
can thus save as .wav or .mp3 (there may be other options).
As I understand it, this means that once I get my "78 deck" (a seventies
"record player" with a stereo ceramic cartridge, which I'll be able to
plug into the "Line In" jack of my sound card) properly soldered and
running, I should be able to create individual mp3 files of my 78's...
but one record at a time!
So, what I want to do is assemble these into larger, multi-78 .mp3 files...
possibly with spoken commentary (I need the adapter to fit my mikes with
1/4" plugs into the mimi-jack)...which I can then figure out how to make
available to the outside world (or at least the digitally-capable portion
thereof). Can this be done? If so, how and/or using what?
Finally, I've noticed that MP3 files vary in size (bytes) even though
they may contain music of the same length. Are there different forms/
styles/degrees/wothaveya of MP3's, and thus settings one can enter
or change (presumably) to adjust the sound quality? And...if so,
what would be best for 78's intended for everyday listening?