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Re: [ARSCLIST] ARSC Convention -- Who's coming?


As a first timer at an ARSC-fest and someone who always loves to chow down when I travel (well, even when I'm home), count me in. My experience with Asian food in Vancouver at last year's MLA conference was incredibly good, so I'm sure Seattle must at least come close in that area. Wonder if they have any Malaysian; that was my discovery there, though I guess Chinese does really lend itself to this sort of gathering.

Just wonder if there are any other chile-heads in this group (wandering ever further off ARSC topic) that will be willing to heat things up the way I like it,

Peter Hirsch

John Ross wrote:
Now that it's just a bit more than a week away, I will ask which list regulars are planning to come to Seattle for the ARSC convention? And should we try to organize a list shmooze session?

I'm also thinking that it might be fun to choose an otherwise unscheduled evening and arrange for a dinner expedition. As a longtime Seattle resident, I can recommend (and make appropriate arrangements for) either a multi-course Hong Kong-style Chinese dinner or something with more of a "Northwest" character. Please let me know if you're interested.

John Ross

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