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Re: [ARSCLIST] 0.1 dB

On 25/03/06, Lou Judson wrote:
> Two responses:
> 1. I rarely deal with such small changes, so this is an extreme
> example.
> 2. The real life example came from a mastering session where I was the
> mix engineer, not the mastering one. In a discussion between the
> artist and the mastering guy, she asked for a change, he made one, she
> said "Great! Much better. how much did you change it?" He said, "One
> tenth of a dB." Incredulous, she asked him to toggle it back and
> forth, and the change was real. I think it was EQ, low or high end
> response.

> I was just the observer, but we could all distinguish the difference
> on his $6,000 Dunleavy speakers... I might not be able to hear that
> small a change on my humble Tannoys.
> And it is not just software - a good pot can change minute levels, and
> always have been able to, though some high end controls use 1 dB
> steps...

Which IMO is much too big a step.
> Heck, I can totally not hear something if I am distracted - or if 
> nearly asleep, a tiny, block away sound can wake me up. It is all so 
> psychological!

Don Cox

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