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Re: [ARSCLIST] backup software

I've had good results with Ghost- just used it yesterday on my Win98 box to
restore the system drive.

I also had good results with Ghost on my XP machine, before I fried that
box. It had nothing to do with any software, it was an operator error.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rod Stephens" <savecal@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: <ARSCLIST@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 11:28 AM
Subject: Re: [ARSCLIST] backup software

> Hello All,
> I've been using PartitionMagic for quite a few years to make direct
> copies of two versions of my C: operating system.  Of course, it means
> that I have to have four separate hard drives on line to accomplish
> this.  My first version C: is for all my general web online business and
> personal letter writing, financial, etc.  The other version of C:
> operating system is a cleaner version for just doing audio, so that
> there are no problems with memory being used up by other applications.
> I periodically update the primary drive versions, and when I do, I make
> new copies to the secondary drives.  PM also allows me to use a DOS boot
> floppy version to load the program outside of  Windows which works
> flawlessly and copies (overwrites the old partitions with new) both of
> my versions in less than an hour.  I should add that my drives are all
> ATA/133s, so they are pretty fast, although I'm about to add a SATA
> drive card to run a new 300GB ATA/150 as well.  Redundancy works well in
> backing up software as well as audio and video (that's another reason
> why I have so much storage).
> Rod Stephens
> Family Theater Productions
> Angie Dickinson Mickle wrote:
> > Milan p. Milovanovic wrote:
> >
> >> Don,
> >>
> >> how about Ghost? I've heard it is pretty good when dealing with
> >> returning
> >> system back.
> >>
> >> Milan
> >
> >
> >
> > Actually, I've heard of a number of problems with recent versions of
> > Ghost used with XP.  My experience with version 2001 was enough to
> > distrust it for backing up system drives.  It was *the* back-up
> > software before Symantec got hold of it.  Then it just got strange.
> > Fine if you are backing up working files.  But I won't us it anymore
> > for system drives.
> >
> > Lately the recommended app. has been Drive Snap Shot.
> > http://www.drivesnapshot.de/en/index.htm
> >
> > I have no experience at this time with it.  But I soon will.
> >
> > Angie Dickinson Mickle
> > Avocado Productions
> > www.avocadoproductions.com
> >
> >
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