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Re: [ARSCLIST] CD Longevity (was Vinegar syndrome audio tapes [ARSCLIST] Memorex CDs and more)

> At 04:14 PM 1/21/2006, Bob Conrad wrote:
> >Are there any users of MAM-A Gold Archive out there that would like
> >to comment on their experience with this product?

I started archiving to CD back in late 1997. At that time I used the Kodak
Gold discs. The top of the disc featured a coating and they were branded.

When Kodak stopped manufacturing the discs I wrote them about it. At that
time they suggested they would take a custom order on quantities of
100,000...perhaps I should have suggested that we all pool our needs...

I can't remember when that was, but I switched to the Mitsui. The only
problem I have has to do with the top surface of the disc. As far as I can
tell, it does not have a coating to protect the reflective surface. While
I did not test the chemical composition of it, I did get a drop of ice tea
(as I recall, it was green tea with some honey...but I digress) once on
the top surface of a Mitsui disc. Within a few minutes a blister appeared
on the reflective surface...and like many a blister, it broke, taking the
reflective surface with it.

Other than that, I have been very pleased with the discs. They seem to
work well in a variety of devices from standalone machines to any sort of
burner I have. They won't work in my very old Marantz stand alone
recorder, but then, very few discs seem to work in that machine.


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