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[ARSCLIST] How well to archive (was Re: [ARSCLIST] Sound card recommendations)

steven c wrote:

Well, it seems logical to me that the quality of the preservation of a
sound recording is effectively determined by its content! Thus, there
is no reason to preserve stereo versions of mono originals, or to use
more bandwidth than was recorded originally (i.e. preservations of
acoustic 78's flat to 20KHz). As well, if the recording is "spoken
word," the frequency range could be limited without loss of
information and/or intelligibility. This also covers the question
of "higher quality for material deemed more...important"...keep in
mind that a preservation can never be anymore accurate than was
the original recording (unless computer algorithms become much
more powerful!)

Your argument is logical to me and I assume to many others, but it flies in the face of the sorts of standards many promote in this group. Indeed, I would join the argument that for archival purposes, one should use substantially higher capture than the limitations of the source implies - so long as use of resources is irrelevant.

It appears to me that there is a single standard for archival digitizing: 2x96x24. There seems to be no invocation of a lesser standard for, say, routine 78s or tapes of AM broadcast at 1x22.05x16. Of course, that would also suggest a judgement call: what is routine, what demands higher quality.


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