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Re: [ARSCLIST] Sound card recommendations

Mike Richter <mrichter@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>Given finite resources and ever-expanding source material, definitions 
>of 'good enough' for various purposes seem appropriate. Otherwise, 
>everyone who is not generating material for archiving will need to be an 

No, everyone doing this work need not be an archivist or "golden ear" or
whatever.  What I am trying to avoid is having the bar set so low that a
mondern *original* recording of archive material should be "contaminated"
during capture by noise from lousy electronics, distortion from
data-reduction or other similar concerns.  You have to start with the best
that you can manage 'cause it doesn't get better down the road.  Yes, you
can do some form of DSP noise reduction and EQ, but not without
introducing some form of distortion.  If your source material is already
data-reduced, too, then your DSP algorithms may not have much good
material to use for reconstruction.

It is certainly, unarguably better to have your source material be the
best that it can be and, with the prices of good gear and hard drive space
being as low as they are these days, there is no excuse for settling for
"MP3 quality."


Charles Lawson <clawson@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Professional Audio for CD, DVD, Broadcast & Internet

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