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Re: [ARSCLIST] Other memorable record stores

Tower bankrupt? First I have heard - here's a listing of their stores:


or is it just that we have so many here in N California? Only Sam Goody I have seen in my life is in San Diego... Tower is our local mega-store, though I shop at Village Music in Mill Valley: http://www.villagemusic.com/ gotta keep the locals alive!


Lou Judson • Intuitive Audio

On Dec 9, 2005, at 2:43 PM, Jeffrey Kane wrote:

What huge record emporia? Tower is bankrupt, Virgin has been closing
underperforming stores, and the world has moved to downloading content and
ordering from Amazon. So there's that, and Sam Goody. Used record stores
aren't what they used to be either because their best stuff gets put up on
Ebay. Are we better off? Yes and no. I now have access to music I'd never
have considering my South Texas locale. Yet, it costs much more than it
would've had I sought it out on my own.

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