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Re: [ARSCLIST] Edward R. Murrow "Hear It Now", etc.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Tom Fine" <tflists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Also, do you guys still have the "Hockey Tonight" broadcasts? When I lived
> up near the Canadian border, that broadcast was in all the cable
systems -- 
> forgot which network or station it was from. Those guys were 100% Canadian
> all the way, strong accents and all sorts of uncommon (to USA ears)
> expressions and word choices.
Yes...now that we have hockey back! The actual name of the show is
"Hockey Night In Canada," and even its theme is instantly recognized
by hockey fans...
> On the other hand, I have several CBC drama productions from the 1950's
> there is not one sign that they're any different from USA drama shows of
> same era. All generic English and scripts are written with American
> construction and diction, not British.
Well, people who aspire to being radio actors were well trained
in that "generic English," since most radio operations, CBC
included, assumed that was what listeners wanted and expected.
Further, CBC broadcast all across Canada, and any trace of an
accent might have offended listeners in other provinces.

It's interesting to note, though, that Quebecois French is
apparently all but unintelligible to France-French...

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