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[ARSCLIST] Digital phono EQ

Eric Jacobs wrote:
>The digi-EQ in the Cube-Tec also builds it's EQ curves using the exact 
>LC filter equations for bass turnover and treble roll-off - 
>no need to tweak a multiband equalizer to approximate the EQ curve.

Phillip Holmes wrote:
>About the "mca768", which seems to be the most innovative part of their 
>system, this is all I can find:
>at the show
>it's Greek to me!
>Their catalog (a little more info than what's on the rest of the web site) 
>This is the gizmo that accepts the digital data from the headshell
>Shortcut to: http://www.behold-highend.de/page.php?en335000

Could anyone explain his/her experience with the Behold digital phono pre?
Would it be a good solution for the digital EQ of old disks ?


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