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Re: [ARSCLIST] Little azimuth trick

George Brock-Nannestad wrote:
From: Patent Tactics, George Brock-Nannestad


Chris @Eugene wrote

  The normal correct procedure, according to service
manuals, is to adjust for maximum signal strength,
before "fine-tuning" with a Lissajous pattern for
phase relationship. It is possible to get the
correct Lissajous pattern at less than maximum
signal strength azimuth adjustment.
  Usually what I do is watch the signal strength
on an audio voltmeter or the o'scilloscope. Adjust
for maximum amplitude, then you can "tweak" it
very, very slightly for the proper Lissajous
  Hope this helps.


----- this is what we all do. However, Richard took the signals from the
"edge" tracks (i.e. those almost ½ inch apart), realizing that the 1 kHz
signals (a _low_ frequency) were in phase in all channels, and generated the
Lissajous from these. This is a good (and novel) way to obtain precision. The
need for obtaining a maximum amplitude reading does not arise at this low
frequency - you cannot tilt the head so much that you get an erroneous
"lower" maximum at this frequency, unless it is a monitoring tape at very,
very low speed.

Thank you, Richard, for this neat trick!

Kind regards,


Well, you *can* get an amplitude difference, but it is a cosine effect of the misalignment. The Lissajous figure shows phase difference, a sine effect. For any moderate alignment error, the cosine effect is likely to be swamped by even slight amplitude variation where the phase error will be reliable and easily read.


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