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Re: arsclist CD-DA versus CD-Rom (.wav) for archiving

On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, Jean-Pierre Fouche wrote:

> We are about to start digitising a large archive of traditional music.  We
> are interested primarily in preserving the music.  We have chosen CD's as
> the storage medium.
> However, we still have questions about the digital format.  SHould we use
> .wav (CD-Rom) or CD-DA, or both?  We would prefer to minimise the time spent
> making cd's, otherwise we may never complete the job with the resources
> available.
> CD-Rom (.wav) requires only that we save a single file, not divided into
> tracks.  However, a CD-DA requires that we make individual tracks.
> CD-DA offers a larger distribution of players, whereas CD-Rom can only be
> played back on a PC.
> What is the answer here?

If playback compatability is of concern I would choose CD-DA.  Users can
play it not only in standard CD players but most computers as well.  As
far as the extra time to PQ code a disc, an experienced engineer with good
tools can do that in a matter of minutes. 

David Ackerman
Audio Preservation Engineer
Archive World Music
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA 02138

Telephone: 617-495-2794
Fax: 617-496-4636
e-mail: dackerm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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