Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List - Subject Thread Index for Nov 1999

Association for Recorded Sound Discussion List

Last updated: Thu Oct 04 04:43:07 GMT 2007
15 messages, grouped by subject thread listed in reverse chronological order

[Index] [Table of Contents]

  • News on 5th Joint Technical Symposium Paris 2000, JTS Paris 2000
  • Turntable with output jacks?, zmcgms
  • Re: arsclist Dry tape squeal..., Graeme Jaye
  • Dry tape squeal..., Graham Newton
  • ARSC Awards Nominations Sought, Nelson-Strauss, Brenda
  • Packburn, Gerard Kleist
  • fees for project oral historians, JENNAC1912
  • (ARSClist) re: job opening, Morgan Hamilton Lang
  • forward: job opening, David Seubert

  • [Index] [Table of Contents]

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