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Archivists vs. programmers

Morgan - Besides the fact that the world's major religions suggest that
archivists are likely to inherit the earth, consider the following:

1) Archivists are rarely referred as "geek" or "nerd." 

2) Archivists believe in the future, despite the odds.

3) Archivists believe that order shall prevail over chaos, despite the

4) Archivists are much more fun at parties.

How can you even consider baling?


On Tue, 9 Nov 1999, Morgan Hamilton Lang wrote:

> SALARY: 30-33,000
> (:^(
> I've just been looking at online advertisements for temporary programming
> positions that basically require the applicant to be:
> 1. alive
> 2. reasonably familiar with C++ and HTML
> 3. capable of learning
> with starting salaries of $50000.
> Please, someone tell me an amusing anecdote that will remind me why being an
> archivist is much, much better than being a programmer.
> Thanks,
> Morgan
> http://www.music.columbia.edu/~cecenter/ethnolab/

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