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Dedication and Acknowledgements vi
Chapter 1: Introduction: Significance of William James Barrow in the History of Library and Archives Conservation 1
Chapter 2: Family Background, Family Man 10
  Introduction 10
  The Barrow Family in Brunswick County, Virginia 11
  Bernard Barrow and Sallie Virginia Archer 12
  Childhood 15
  Education 17
  Early Employment 21
Chapter 3: Preparation for a Career in Document Restoration 24
  Genealogy and Restoration 24
  Document Restoration Activities in Virginia 28
  Full-time Study in Washington 34
  Designer Bookbinding and Restoration 35
Chapter 4: The Virginia State Library and the Mariners Museum 40
  Richmond and the Virginia State Library 40
  Ruth Abbott Gibbs and Marriage 43
  The Move to Newport News 47
  Newport News and the Mariners Museum 48
  The Move Back to Richmond and the Virginia State Library 51
  The Place of Research in Barrow's Life 52
Chapter 5: Sources in Library and Archives Conservation 55
  Introduction 55
  Library and Archives Conservation 56
  The Beginnings of Lamination 59
  Other Treatment Procedures and Repair Methods 63
  Conservation Then and Now 67
Chapter 6: Sources in Paper Permanence Research 69
  Paper Deterioration: Recognition and Study 69
  Paper Chemistry 73
  Paper Permanence Research in Paper Chemistry 74
Chapter 7: Paper Permanence Research in the United States 82
  The Swedish Model in the United States 82
  The National Bureau of Standards (NBS) 86
  The Governmental Printing Office (GPO) 93
  Research on External Causes of Paper Deterioration 94
  Chemical Findings Reported in Library and Archives Literature 95
  Neutralization of Acid Paper by the Addition of Alkaline Substances 101
  Paper Permanence and the Causes of Paper Deterioration in Common Knowledge by the 1930s 103
  Barrow and the Swedish Model 104
Chapter 8: Sources in Cellulose Acetate Lamination Research and Practice 106
  National Bureau of Standards and Lamination 106
Chapter 9: First Attempts: Research and Patents 117
  Barrow Initiates a Patent Application 117
  Barrow and Joint Research Projects with NBS and GPO 123
  Marketing, Product Testing, and Research 131
Chapter 10: Barrow and Alkalization 135
  The Yellowing Phenomenon in Laminated Modern Paper 135
  Acid Hydrolysis and Alkalization 140
  Prior Patent Claims and Barrow's Accommodations 144
Chapter 11: Conclusion: William James Barrow 161
  Introduction 161
  Character 165
  Barrow's Significance in the History of Library and Archives Conservation 167
  Conclusion 173
References 176
  1. Terminology 194
  2. W. J. Barrow Research Laboratory Publications and Patents 195
  3. Paternal Ancestors of William James Barrow 197
  4. Comparison of Articles and Books on Paper Permanence and on Lamination Indexed in the Literature 198
  5. Bibliography: Works by William James Barrow in Chronological Order 203
  6. William James Barrow: Biographical Facts 207

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