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Dedication And Acknowledgements

This dissertation is dedicated to the friendship and memory of Jill Huntley. She was a fellow doctoral candidate at Columbia who encouraged me in this study and, over a number of years, she and her husband, Eugene McDowell, facilitated my research by sharing their Washington home with me when I needed a place to stay in the District. Jill's strength and faith during the last year of her life gave me a new appreciation for the meaning and importance of friendship. She lived her life well, acting upon her spiritual beliefs conscientiously by assisting both friends and strangers in need. She faced her too early death bravely. During her terminal illness she managed to complete her dissertation. Her example kept me working when I wanted to give up.

My thanks and appreciation to Paul N. Banks for persevering with me as my advisor through out the time it took me to complete this research and write the dissertation. The inspiration for doing the research came from the advanced degree program he headed in Preservation Administration at Columbia University. The program was one of the most important and formative experiences in my life. I am grateful as well to Steven A. Rittenberg and Stuart Brent for coordinating and overseeing the administrative concerns that made it possible for me to complete my degree from a geographical distance of 6,000 miles.

The members of my dissertation committee, Norbert Baer, Paul Benthel, Janet Gertz, and Norman Weiss, have generously given their time and expertise to better my work. I thank them for their contribution and their good-natured support.

I am grateful to many persons who shared their memories and experiences, especially the Barrow family, Gregory Minnick of the Barrow Restoration Shop, and William K. Wilson from the National Archives and Records Administration. Thomas E. Conroy generously shared his meticulous research and insights that supported and expanded my own work. His conclusions gave me the courage to challenge the common beliefs about the nature of Barrow's work and contribution to the science of paper chemistry.

I must acknowledge as well the many friends, colleagues, students, teachers, archivists, and other librarians who assisted, advised, and supported my research and writing efforts over the years. Especially, I need to express my gratitude and deep appreciation to Tesse and Gene Santoro whose friendship, hospitality, knowledge, and wisdom have supported, enlightened, and entertained me over the many years of our friendship. They have consistently helped me keep perspective on what is important in life and shown me how to deal with reality.

My thanks must go also to Althea and William Walton of Richmond, Virginia for their hospitality. I thank the archivists and librarians at the Virginia Historical Society, the Library of the National Forest Products Institute, the Library of the Technical Association for the Pulp and Paper Industry, Mariners Museum Library and Archives, and the Agriculture Library of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, for their research assistance and their patience.

I am grateful too for the support and advise from my faculty colleagues in library schools. I need to thank especially Larry N. Osborne from the Library and Information Science Program of the University of Hawaii who offered unflagging support and wise advice. Thanks also to Darlene Weingand from the School of Library and Information Science of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, for encouragement and emotional support during the home stretch.

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