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Appendix 5

Works by William James Barrow In Chronological Order

Barrow, William James. 1939. the Barrow method of laminating documents. , 2 Barrow, William James. 1939. The Barrow method of laminating documents. Journal of Documentary Reproduction, 2 (June): 147-151.

_____ 1941. The Barrow method of restoring manuscripts and documents. Richmond, Virginia: [Barrow Restoration Shop]. Revised ed. 1943.

_____ 1943. Procedures and equipment used in the Barrow method of restoring manuscripts and documents. Richmond, Virginia: [Barrow Restoration Shop]. Revised eds. 1945, 1946, 1950, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1958, 1961.

_____ 1943. Restoration methods. American Archivist, 6 (July): 151-154.

_____ 1947. Procedimiento y Equipo Usado en el metodo Barrow para restaurar manuscriptos y documentos. Bollettino dell'Istituto di Patologia del Libro Alfonso Gallo, 6: 217-228.

_____ 1948. Black writing ink of the colonial period. American Archivist, 11: 291-307.

_____ 1953. An evaluation of document restoration processes. American Documentation, 4 (Spring, April): 50-54.

_____ 1953. Migration of impurities in paper. Archivum, 3: 105-108.

_____ 1953. Experiment to study the effects of sea water on the permanence of paper. Bollettino dell'Istituto di Patologia del Libro Alfonso Gallo, 12 (January-June): 167-168.

_____ 1955. Manuscripts and documents; Their deterioration and restoration. Charlottesville, University of Virginia Press. [revised editions]

Hummel, Ray Orvin, Jr. and William James Barrow. 1956. Lamination and other methods of restoration. Library Trends, 4 (January): 259-268.

Barrow, William James. 1957. Stabilita e durabilita dei procedimenti di restauro. Bollettino dell'Istituto di Patologia del Libro Alfonso Gallo, Gennaio Giugno.

_____ 1957. Physical strength of non-fiction book papers, 1900-1949; A preliminary report to the Council on Library Resources. Washington: Council on Library Resources

_____ 1958. Cleaning of documents. Archivum, 8: 119-123.

Barrow, William James and Reavis C. Sproull. 1959. Permanence in book papers. Science, 129 (24 April): 1075-1084.

Church, Randolph W., ed. 1959. Deterioration of book stock — causes and remedies: Two studies on the permanence of book paper. Studies conducted by W. J. Barrow. (Virginia State Library Publications, no. 10). Richmond, Virginia: Virginia State Library.

Barrow, William James. 1960. Cause e rimedi del deterioramento dei materiali librari fabbricazione e collaudo di carta durevole. Bollettino dell'Istituto di Patologia del Libro Alfonso Gallo, Gennaio Giugno.

Church, Randolph W., ed. 1960. The manufacture and testing of durable book papers. Studies conducted by W. J. Barrow. (Virginia State Library Publications, no. 13). Richmond, Virginia: Virginia State Library.

Barrow, William James. 1961. Development of performance standards for library binding, phase I. Library Technology Project Publications, no. 2. Chicago: American Library Association.

_____ 1961. Permanence and durability of library catalog cards. Library Technology Project Publications, no. 3. Chicago: American Library Association.

_____ 1961. The restoration of papers by the laminating process. North Carolina Libraries. 19 (Winter): 30-35.

_____ 1962. Establishing least squares regression lines for data of aged paper. Tappi 45 (September supplement): 209A-210A.

_____ 1963. Hot vs. cold extraction methods for making a pH determination. Tappi. 46 (August): 468-472.

Barrow (W. J.) Research Laboratory. 1963. Permanence/durability of the book — A two year research program. W. J. Barrow Research Laboratory Publications, no. 1. Richmond, Virginia.

Barrow, William James. 1964. An accelerated aging study of several writing papers: Re-evaluation of data. Tappi. 47 (February): 105-107.

_____ 1964. New device tests performance of library bindings. Book Production. 79 (March): 60-62.

Barrow (W. J.) Research Laboratory. 1964. Permanence/durability of the book — II, test data of naturally aged papers. W. J. Barrow Research Laboratory Publications, no. 2. Richmond, Virginia.

_____ 1964. Permanence/durability of the book — III, spray deacidification. W. J. Barrow Research Laboratory Publications, no. 3. Richmond, Virginia.

Barrow, William James. 1965. Archival file folders. American Archivist. 28 (Janurary): 125-128.

_____ 1965. The Barrow method of restoring deteriorated documents. Richmond, Virginia: [Barrow Restoration Shop]. Reprinted 1966.

_____ 1965. Deacidification and lamination of deteriorated documents, 1938-63. American Archivist. 28 (April): 285-290.

Barrow (W. J.) Research Laboratory. 1965. Permanence/durability of the book — IV, polyvinyl Acetate (PVA) adhesives for use in library bookbinding. W. J. Barrow Research Laboratory Publications, no. 4. Richmond, Virginia.

Barrow, William James. 1966. Development of performance standards for binding used in libraries binding, phase II. Library Technology Project Publications, no. 10. Chicago: American Library Association.

_____ 1967. Acidity: An undesirable property in paste and mending tissue. American Archivist. 30 (January): 190-193.

Barrow, William James and Ann M. Carlton. 1967. Durability of three current laminating tissues. American Archivist. 30 (July): 526-529.

Barrow (W. J.) Research Laboratory. 1965. Permanence/durability of the book — V, strength and other characteristics of book papers, 1800-1899. W. J. Barrow Research Laboratory Publications, no. 5. Richmond, Virginia.

Barrow, William James. 1967. New standards for library binding. Publishers Weekly. 191 (12 June): 77-78.

Posthumous Publications

Barrow, William James and Ann M. Carlton. 1968. Permanence of laminating tissues. American Archivist. 31 (January): 88-91.

Barrow (W. J.) Research Laboratory. 1969. Permanence/durability of the book — VI, spot testing for permanence/durability of book papers. W. J. Barrow Research Laboratory Publications, no. 6. Richmond, Virginia.

_____ 1974. Permanence/durability of the book — VII, physical and chemical properties of book papers, 1507-1949. W. J. Barrow Research Laboratory Publications, no. 7. Richmond, Virginia.

_____ 1976. Barrow two-bath deacidification method. American Archivist. 39 (April): 161-164.

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