Responsibilities of Executive Council Officers

The executive council of the Book and Paper Group consists of four positions: Chair, Program Chair, Assistant Program Chair, and Secretary/Treasurer, as well as a three-member Nominating Committee. The nominating committee is always taking suggestions for candidates for the ballot that will appear in the Spring. These are all two-year positions; the Assistant Program Chair assumes the Program Chair position in the second year. Descriptions of each position are found below.

There is a budget allocation for executive council members that can help defray expenses to attend meetings; please keep this in mind when considering whether to run for an office. It is the committee's hope that by posting the responsibilities of the positions more members will agree to run for office. We want to encourage participation at all levels! To nominate a BPG member for office, or for more information, please contact the current Nominating Committee.

The Guidelines of the BPG broadly define the duties and responsibilities of the elected and appointed officers of the organization. Specific details will probably vary from year to year. Following are general descriptions of the duties of the officers.


This is a two-year term.

Past Chair

Program Chair

This is the second year of a two-year term (see entry below for Assistant Program Chair). Responsibilities include the following:

Assistant Program Chair

This is a two-year term; the Assistant Program Chair moves into the Program Chair position in the second year.


This is a two-year term.

Nominating Committee

(Two members elected by the membership and the immediate past President.)