Proposal for Change to BPG Discussion Groups

The BPG Executive Council proposes the following program changes to the discussion groups for future annual meetings:

Clarify purpose and establish guidelines for discussion groups:

The primary mission of the discussion groups is to encourage the dynamic exchange of ideas and practices within the BPG community through open dialogues, practical hands-on experiences, and round-table discussions. The sessions are informal, informative, and engaging.

  • Limit presentations to the first half of the session – i.e. 45 minutes or about 3–4 "presenters" allotted 10–12 minutes each. The presenters offer a concise view on a topic in preparation for the discussion in the second half of the session.
  • In any given year, a group can choose to forgo the traditional topic-based format and structure their session as a general "tips" session or other interactive session to provide a forum for BPG members to share interesting techniques or tools they have developed with a wider audience.
  • Expand to three discussion groups to maximize inclusion:

  • Create a third discussion group for art on paper.
  • Leadership of an "Art on Paper Discussion Group" follows current chair practices established by LCCDG and ACDG, including rotating co-chairs, close cooperation with BPG Executive Council, contributing content to the BPG Annual and serving on the BPG Education and Programs Committee.
  • Stagger discussion group sessions:

    Future BPG program scheduling would aim to maintain the current ratio of general BPG sessions to discussion groups sessions (1.5 days : 0.5 days) while providing a forum for all three interest groups. With the inclusion of a third discussion group, modifications to the current program schedule are necessary. Options include:

    Option A: Two groups meet per year with one group taking the year off. The "off" year can be used to gather ideas, create content for future years, or organize a more in-depth session held outside the general BPG session time (workshop on the day before/after, lunch session, etc). This maintains the current program schedule and time allotment for general BPG sessions. Example:

  • Year 1: ACDG and LCCDG, APDG off
  • Year 2: APDG and ACDG, LCCDG off
  • Year 3: LCCDG and APDG, ACDG off

  • Option B: One group meets per year with two years off. The other discussion groups can have a workshop/lunch as suggested above in one or both “off” years depending on interest. It should be noted that the overall Annual Meeting schedule is determined by AIC and the specialty groups do not always know from year to year how much time will be allotted for SG sessions. This option will allow for more flexibility.

    Submitted for consideration by the 2011-2012 BPG Executive Council:
    Penley Knipe, Chair;
    Jamye Jamison, Program Chair;
    Sarah Reidell, Assistant Program Chair;
    Stephanie Watkins, Secretary/Treasurer
    April 2012